Bat 2014. – night bike tour
NGO Lima with its partners NGO Zebrica and sbiportal organized its first night bike tour called Bat 2014. Our host was Urban Caffe Mojster.
Main objective was making tolerance between all traffic participants and making critical mass of cyclists equipped by lights and reflective vests.
The plan is to organize this Bike tour several times a year to draw attention at safe ride and on fact of increasing number of cyclists. We want to create a habit of wearing required equipment so cyclists could be easily seen while riding at night.
Cyclists rode 16 km over one hour.
There were over 30 cyclists, and after was refreshment at Urban Caffe Mojster.
Thank You all for participating.
Bike Tour Small Paris – Klakar
IV. Bike Tour Small Paris – Klakar was held 6th and 7th September 2013.
Guest lecturers were Domagoj Jakopovic – Ribafish (famous Croatian columnist) and Gerhard Ablasser (City of Graz, CIVITAS).
Thanks to NGO Zebrica we made special web site –
Report and complete Gallery You can see here and here.