The latest activity of NGO Lima is cooperation with the only one 3D Street Artist in Croatia Filip Mrvelj.
Since Ivana Brlic – Mazuranic is maybe the biggest brand of Slavonski Brod, the name of the project is „Bike Adventures of Hlapich & Lima“, after her novel „Brave Adventures of Hlapich“.
Tho story of Hlapich goes on and he grew into an artist. With his friend he goes on a new journey by bike in pursuit for good people. The final destination of a journey is Toulon in France, where Hlapich participates on famous Street Art Festival.
There are already good people for help. Giant Croatia sent two top bikes (Bundas and Biggie).
In Croatia, our destinations are: Hrvatska Kostajnica, Ogulin i Rovinj, and then we will go through the north of Italy and south of France to Toulon.
You can follow everyday stories on social networks:
Facebook: Udruga Lima; 3D Street Art by Filip Mrvelj
Twitter: Lima NGO, FilipMrvelj
Instagram: sokre10; filipmrvelj
During the journey we’ll make documentary that will be published in June. Berislav Petrovic will help us with that, and Tin Horvatin and NGO Zebrica will make our web site.
Tourist Board of Slavonski Brod helped the project, too.
Brave Adventures starts in Tuesday, 19.5., and we invite everyone in Tuesday at 7,00 AM to Urban Caffe Mojster (Master Lazonja) for breakfast before the journey, and there will be short press conference.